5 Common Household Poisons

pets_170Chocolate and Other Human Foods

As a general rule, do not feed your pets any human foods unless a veterinarian approves the food. Many foods, like chocolate, raw onions and garlic, grapes and raisins, and sugarless foods containing Xylitol can be toxic to animals.


Medications may poison a pet dog or cat. Most human, and even pet, medications are poisonous when taken in a high dose. Do not allow your pet to access any prescription or over-the-counter medications and only give your pets an approved dosage of medicine when necessary and recommended by a veterinarian.


An insecticide is a poison designed to kill insects, so it is not surprising that it may harm or kill your pets. Since a pet may ingest the poison by licking an area of the floor with the poison or by eating poisoned insects, it may cause harm. It is particularly risky for smaller pets who may show signs of poisoning with small amounts of exposure.


Certain indoor plants, like tulips, sago palm, some ferns, lilies, Crocus, dieffenbachia, and Oleander are dangerous to your pets. Do not put up indoor plants without discussing the risks and health concerns with a veterinarian.

Household Cleaners

Household cleaners, like bleach or floor cleaning products, are dangerous when ingested. Limit pet exposure by keeping cleaners in a safe location and preventing pets from access to rooms while you clean.

When to Call a Los Angeles Veterinarian about Pets and Household Poisons

Seek help from a Los Angeles veterinarian at any time you think a pet may be poisoned. Never wait when you suspect accidental poisoning from household items.

Protecting your pet starts with effective management of their health and well-being. Call (310) 734-0176 for more information.

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